Friday 3 September 2010

Tentena..a waterfall and a game of soccer

After eventually leaving the Togian islands we headed for Tentena in Central Sulawesi. An entry point for LaraLindu national park, Tentena also served as a decent spot to get some villages explored and rent some motorbikes! Due to tight budget constraints and plenty of coral injuries, we dragged our lazy butts away from serious trekking in the national park and 5 of us rented bikes to go explore a waterfall, a lake and some villages.
Well what can I say, the waterfall was a waterfall! Minus the skepticism it was actually really cool, not the typical rapid drops from 15 metres but a collection of mounds over which the water fell. A climb to the top by my stupid self resulted in being stung by a variety of poisonous plants. Not a smart move, 4 words ringing in my ears as I climbed back down...'I am not insured'....silly!!!
Back on the bikes and in search of the lake. The lake was a lake but a nice one at that. It supplied us with a swim stop and an odd pic or two.
Back on the bikes and time for soccer with the local kids. An impromptu game of ball will always end up being a highlight. Basically because kids rock! And kids in Sulawesi rock harder than most. You always find that children appear our of nowhere, like there aren't enough houses, schools and holes for the amount that pounce onto the football field. They appear, happy out, practicing their english and playing games with you. Often hiding away from the camera at first they will run up to you and pose once the confidence and group dynamic has been confirmed in their crazy little heads. Unfortunately it was 'back on bike' time again and back to town.
What followed was some fried bat and wandering in the rain. Time to keep on moving and make the trek to Rantepao and Tana Toraja, the reason for the trip to sulawesi.
Sulawesi never lets you down!!!!!
Tentena, another highlight of a stop.

Togian or not Togian

Always! Always Togian! It is very difficult to put into any coherent sentence how amazing the Togian islands are and not sound like you are trying to sell a tour package! Basically, the Togian islands are your aesthetically beautiful blue and green seas, white sands and hammock scene but its not only this that makes them so astoundingly addictive, it is also the people, both locals and fellow dossers.
There are many islands in this beautiful archipelago and I'm sure all of them have their own attractions, draws and lives. They are an entity, independent of the rest of Indonesia, breathing life and feeding off their inhabitants.
Going over the top?
Probably but who cares, ask anyone who made the trip, who dodged random ferry times, sleeping arrangements, dangerous roads and nutjob drivers. Those who intended on spending 4 days on the islands and didn't leave save for visa issues.
Kadidiri island, described by lonely planet as sociable managed to throw all expectations out the window. Expecting a bunch of hotels on the beach, hawkers and restaurants, what was in fact presented on a travel special platter was the anthisesis of such. A family of travellers, eating together, chatting, covering each others back, fishing together and partying together. Aka the owner of Pondok Lestari was in fact also the owner of the whole beach. Welcomed out on spear fishing trips and snorkelling trips, we all took full advantage of this amazing families hospitality. Leaving we were all presented with homemade necklaces to remind us of our time on this island.
Rambling on?
Yup but at least you get the point. Go to the Togian islands. The snorkelling is spectacular, coral is in full swing, fish a plenty, hammocks welcoming and the people out of this world. Its definitely worth the time out of your way in indonesia!!!!!