Wednesday 11 August 2010

Manado in all its glory

Straight form port town to port town. Manado lives up to the port town dream. Don't get me wrong, its functional with many restaurants and hotels but its not the ideal way to be introduced to Sulawesi. There is evidence of regeneration and development but this seems to have dropped off with many half-finished buildings, walkways and roads. It serves as a stopover but also as a considerable swift pusher.
Being a tourist we have the enviable luxury of moving on from places that don't equate with our predetermined ideologies of travel. To be honest, a lot of the time I like the crazy dirty cities but this is no Delhi. It doesn't quite grab a hold of you. In retrospect, however, it is a more pleasing entrance to Sulawesi that...lets say...Makassar!
A giant chicken finishing a days work and trying to walk up 100 steps made it all better. A sight I won't forget in a hurry.

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