Wednesday 11 August 2010

A story about a cow and a goose

The sun started to fall before the eyes of little Stevie. It fell fast until it was hiding behind a horizon of trees and mountains. Beautiful purples and oranges filled the evening sky. 'It looks like candy' thought little Stevie and his thought continued 'I must be hungry'. While staring at the sky and slightly aggravated by the hunger little Stevie begged for a story. This is the story he was told.
There is a land. A land where the grass is deep green, the sky is the blue that skies are supposed to be and the sea, well the sea is a beautiful mix of greens and blues and pinks. Many animals live in this land too. Big animals and small animals. Animals that fit in your hand and animals that make you scream. Little Stevie shuddered 'I wonder are there any otters' he thought and then 'think I'm hungry.'
In this land lives a little goose, a goose called Billy. Billy went to school like all little geese. He played with all of his friends like all little geese and walked for miles with Mother Goose like all other baby geese. But something was wrong, he was missing something, he was a little sad. Not sad because he was hungry or sad because he lost a game but a deep sadness. 'Poor Billy' thought Stevie.
One day he went walking. He walked for miles. He walked through all the rice paddies he could find. He walked over farms and through little roadways. He started to notice something funny as he walked. He saw many other geese. These geese look happy he thought. So Billy walked closer and closer and sat for a while. He watched some of these geese and discovered why they were happy.
Ah he thought and waddled onto the nearest rice paddy without any other little geese.
He noticed all the geese had a friend, a close friend that they worked and played with. A friendship of giving and taking. 'I like friends' pondered Stevie, 'they give me candy.' But these friends were not like the ones he saw in school or in the markets while out walking with mother. These were bigger and browner and a lot like the big brown dirty animals he learned about in school. 'Cows' thought little Stevie, 'they're cows, all the geese have a cow best friend.'
So Billy searched for a lonely cow and to his surprise there was a big buffalo, a beautiful brown and mucky buffalo. A buffalo all alone in a rice paddy, full of deep sadness. They waddled towards each other. 'Hi Billy' the buffalo said 'I've been waiting for you'

1 comment:

  1. i could tell this story with the egrets and the goats :) its a weird relationship but it works :)
